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Comparing YouGov vs. Ipsos in Healthcare Market Research

Healthcare +1

June 19, 2024

Patient-centred care is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field. It relies on market research to understand trends, patient behaviours, and industry shifts. Two prominent names stand out in this arena: YouGov and Ipsos. These companies' comprehensive research solutions instil confidence in their expertise despite their significant differences in methodologies, areas of focus, and service scope. 

This blog post compares these market research giants. It mainly focuses on their contributions to the healthcare sector. It also explores when healthcare providers should utilise their services.

YouGov: Data-Driven Insights with a Global Reach

YouGov is renowned for its innovative use of digital platforms and large, engaged online communities. Established in 2000, YouGov has carved out a niche in utilising real-time data. It leverages its global panel of respondents to provide timely insights. This feature is precious in the healthcare sector, where rapid changes and emerging trends require up-to-date information.

Key Strengths:

  1. Scale: YouGov’s strength lies in its ability to gather data through its extensive online panel. Its quick turnaround times provide reassurance. Speed is particularly valuable in the healthcare sector. Rapid changes and emerging trends demand up-to-date information for confident decision-making.

  2. Diverse Data Sets: The company has access to a broad and diverse pool of respondents. This enables it to deliver comprehensive insights across different demographics, geographies, and cultures.

  3. Innovative Tools: YouGov employs advanced tools and technologies. These include its YouGov Profiles and BrandIndex. These tools offer deep dives into consumer behaviour and brand perceptions in healthcare.

Ipsos: Comprehensive Research and Methodological Rigor

Founded in 1975, Ipsos has a long-standing reputation for methodological rigour and extensive fieldwork capabilities. It combines traditional and digital methodologies to provide robust and nuanced insights. This makes it a trusted partner for healthcare organizations seeking detailed and actionable research.

Key Strengths:

  1. Methodological Expertise: Ipsos employs various quantitative and qualitative research methods, from surveys and interviews to ethnographic studies, to understand healthcare phenomena.

  2. Global Presence: With offices in over 90 countries, Ipsos offers a global perspective for large healthcare companies.

  3. Tailored research solutions: Ipsos gained prominence for its comprehensive and tailored research solutions. These solutions provide healthcare providers with a sense of security in their decision-making. Ipsos offers the depth and breadth of research needed for confident strategic planning. Whether it’s understanding patient journeys, evaluating healthcare policies, or assessing market opportunities, they provide comprehensive insights.

A comparison

Methodology and Approach:

YouGov’s strength in digital data collection and real-time analysis contrasts with Ipsos’s broad methodological expertise. YouGov excels in data speed and flexibility. Ipsos provides depth and rigour, often combining multiple methodologies for a holistic view.

Scope of Services:

Both companies offer extensive services, but their scopes differ. YouGov’s services are highly efficient for organisations needing quick insights and continuous tracking. Ipsos offers more detailed and bespoke research solutions. These are ideal for complex projects requiring in-depth analysis and strategic insights.

Innovation and Technology:

YouGov marries data collection and advanced analytics with an extended online community. Ipsos emphasises a balanced approach, integrating traditional methods with new technologies to ensure comprehensive results.

Cost Considerations When Choosing YouGov or Ipsos

Healthcare providers must consider cost when deciding between YouGov and Ipsos for market research. Both companies offer high-quality services. However, their pricing structures and the value they provide can vary significantly. Cost depends on the nature and scope of the research required.

YouGov: Cost-Efficient for Real-Time and Continuous Data

Many people value YouGov's cost-efficient solutions, particularly regarding real-time data collection and continuous tracking. The company relies on digital platforms and extensive online panels. Their panel allows YouGov to conduct large-scale surveys and deliver rapid insights at a low cost.

Cost Advantages:

  1. Lower Costs: YouGov reduces the need for expensive fieldwork and in-person data collection. Their online panel allows them to pass those savings on to clients.

  2. Scalable Solutions: YouGov’s modular approach to market research allows healthcare providers to select only the services they need. This approach makes it easier to manage costs.

  3. Subscription Models: YouGov offers subscription models for ongoing insights. These include access to YouGov Profiles and BrandIndex. These models provide continuous data and tracking at a fixed monthly or annual rate.

Ideal for:

  • Quick Insights: When healthcare providers need fast, real-time data to make immediate decisions.

  • Large-Scale Surveys: For gathering data from broad and diverse populations without incurring high costs.

Ipsos: Premium Pricing for Comprehensive and Customised Research

Ipsos has extensive methodological rigour and can provide highly customised research solutions. These advantages often come with a higher price tag, reflecting the depth and breadth of their services. Ipsos has expertise in combining multiple research methodologies and conducting thorough fieldwork. This means that their projects can be more resource-intensive.

Cost Considerations:

  1. Higher Initial Costs: Ipsos’s research methods are comprehensive, often including qualitative and quantitative approaches. This can result in higher initial costs.

  2. Customised Solutions: Tailored research projects designed to meet specific client needs often require more resources, increasing costs.

  3. Expert Analysis: The involvement of specialised researchers and analysts provides detailed insights and strategic recommendations. These factors add to the overall cost.

Ideal for:

  • Complex Research Needs: Healthcare providers require in-depth analysis to understand patient journeys or evaluate new healthcare policies.

  • Strategic Planning: For projects that need thorough research to inform long-term strategic decisions.

When Healthcare Providers Should Utilise Market Research Services

Market research is an invaluable tool for healthcare providers, offering insights that drive strategic decisions and improve patient outcomes. However, using these services at the right time and context can significantly enhance their effectiveness. Here are several scenarios where healthcare providers benefit most from engaging with market research services like YouGov and Ipsos.

1. Launching New Products or Services

Comprehensive market research is crucial when healthcare providers plan to launch new products or services. Understanding market needs, patient preferences, and potential barriers to adoption can make or break a new initiative's success.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov offers real-time data collection. It allows providers to gauge market reactions quickly and make necessary adjustments before a full-scale launch. YouGov supports timely and informed decision-making.

  • Ipsos provides in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis to understand patient needs. It also offers tools for gaining market readiness, ensuring a well-informed launch strategy.

2. Evaluating Patient Satisfaction and Experience

Patient satisfaction is a crucial indicator of healthcare quality and a driver of patient retention. Regularly assessing patient experiences can help healthcare providers identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance service quality.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Utilizes its online panel to conduct frequent, large-scale patient satisfaction surveys, providing timely feedback.

  • Ipsos employs a combination of surveys, interviews, and ethnographic studies to understand patient experiences and satisfaction.

3. Conducting Competitive Analysis

Understanding the competitive landscape is essential for healthcare providers to position themselves effectively in the market. Market research can uncover competitors' strengths and weaknesses, helping providers develop strategies to gain a competitive edge.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Tracks real-time brand perceptions and market trends, offering immediate insights into competitive dynamics.

  • Ipsos: Provides detailed competitive analysis through customised research, including SWOT analysis and market positioning studies.

4. Adapting to Regulatory Changes

Healthcare providers operate in a highly regulated environment where policies and regulations can change rapidly. Market research can help providers understand the implications of these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Through its panel, YouGov can quickly assess the impact of regulatory changes on patient behaviour.

  • Ipsos: Offers thorough analysis and expert insights into regulatory impacts. It helps providers navigate compliance challenges and leverage new opportunities.

5. Improving Marketing Strategies

Effective marketing is critical for healthcare providers to attract and retain patients. Market research can inform marketing strategies by identifying target audiences, understanding patient behaviours, and evaluating campaign effectiveness.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Provides real-time feedback on marketing campaigns, allowing for agile adjustments and more flexibility.

  • Ipsos: Conducts comprehensive market segmentation and patient profiling to tailor marketing efforts and improve ROI.

6. Exploring New Markets

Healthcare providers looking to expand into new geographic or demographic markets need to understand their unique characteristics and needs. Market research helps identify opportunities and risks associated with market expansion.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Offers insights into diverse markets through its global panel, supporting quick market entry strategies.

  • Ipsos: Provides detailed market research and local strategies to ensure successful market expansion.

7. Enhancing Health Outcomes

Ultimately, healthcare providers aim to improve health outcomes. Market research can identify gaps in care, patient adherence issues, and areas where new interventions could significantly impact health.

Why Use YouGov or Ipsos:

  • YouGov: Tracks health behaviours and outcomes through continuous data collection, enabling timely interventions.

  • Ipsos: Delivers deep insights into patient journeys and health outcomes, helping providers design effective interventions and measure their impact.

Case Study: Ipsos Supporting Healthcare

Ipsos has demonstrated its expertise in healthcare through various successful projects. One notable case study is their work with an extensive integrated healthcare system to improve patient experiences and outcomes. 

Ipsos worked with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to enhance the quality of care and patient satisfaction. The Survey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients (SHEP) aimed to assess patients' perceptions of their healthcare experiences. It also aimed to identify areas for improvement.

Project Overview: Ipsos implemented the SHEP program to gather patient feedback across various VHA facilities. This comprehensive survey program aimed to capture detailed information on patient experiences, including aspects of care such as access, communication, and overall satisfaction.

Key Actions:

  1. Customised Surveys: Ipsos developed tailored survey instruments to reflect the VHA's specific needs and contexts accurately. It designed these surveys to capture nuanced patient experiences across different healthcare settings.

  2. Advanced Data Collection: Leveraging their extensive fieldwork capabilities, Ipsos conducted surveys through multiple channels, including mail, telephone, and online, ensuring broad participation.

  3. Data Analysis and Reporting: Ipsos employed sophisticated analytic techniques to interpret the survey data, providing actionable insights and detailed reports to the VHA. This analysis highlighted critical areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in patient care.

  4. Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement: Ipsos helped the VHA create internal and external benchmarks. These benchmarks enabled the organization to compare performance across different facilities. They also allowed the VHA to track improvements over time.


  • Patient Experience: The SHEP program allowed the VHA to implement targeted interventions to improve patient care. These interventions led to measurable improvements in patient satisfaction and overall healthcare quality.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Ipsos reports and benchmarks equipped VHA leaders with the information needed to make informed decisions. This information guided resource allocation, staff training, and service improvements.

  • Sustained Improvements: Ipsos established a continuous feedback loop supporting the VHA in maintaining a focus on patient-centered care. This approach led to sustained improvements in the quality of healthcare services provided to veterans.

This case study exemplifies how Ipsos's comprehensive and customised research solutions can significantly improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Ipsos helps healthcare organisations navigate complex challenges and achieve their goals by leveraging its methodological rigour and extensive expertise.


In the healthcare market research landscape, YouGov and Ipsos provide valuable services, each with distinct advantages. YouGov’s real-time data and digital prowess offer speed and access. On the other hand, Ipsos’s methodological rigour and global reach provide depth and reliability.

Healthcare providers face numerous challenges and opportunities in a constantly changing landscape. Engaging with market research services can provide the data-driven insights needed to navigate these complexities.

Market research is essential for informed decision-making. Healthcare providers face many scenarios where market research is crucial: launching new services and improving patient satisfaction. 

Healthcare providers can significantly improve their quality of care by strategically choosing the right research partner. Whether they are enhancing health outcomes or adapting to regulatory changes, this approach also helps them achieve organizational goals.

Choosing between the two depends mainly on your specific needs. YouGov is an excellent choice for quick, data-driven insights. Ipsos stands out for in-depth, customised research solutions. Ultimately, both companies contribute significantly to advancing healthcare market research, helping organisations navigate the industry's complexities and make informed decisions.

You can visit their healthcare section for more detailed information on Ipsos's contributions to healthcare market research.

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