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Why are consumer insights so important to product development?

Collective intelligence +2

March 20, 2023

Product development depends on consumer insights. To design products that fulfil customers' expectations, companies must understand their needs, wants, and preferences. Without these insights, organisations risk creating products and services that don't resonate with their intended market, hurting sales and brand reputation. Qualitative insights reveal customers' emotions, motives, and behaviours.

Why foster a customer-first mentality?

When customer communities are involved in product development, it fosters a feeling of ownership and loyalty among customers, which in turn strengthens brands and helps businesses thrive. 

Customers who have input into the creation of a product are more likely to feel appreciated and to return as repeat buyers. Better product-market fit can be achieved with the help of customer communities, who can offer feedback on what features, packaging, and marketing approaches resonate most with their peers. 

The result may be happier customers who are more likely to recommend your products or services to others and who remain loyal to your brand over time. Businesses may build stronger brands and gain a competitive edge in their markets by inviting customer groups to participate in product development.

The importance of qualitative research for consumer insights

When it comes to product development, the information from qualitative data sets is the most beneficial since these insights provide a comprehensive grasp of the attitudes and behaviours of consumers. They provide organisations with the ability to understand the "why" behind consumer preferences, which is vital for producing products that actually match the requirements of the customers. 

‍Quantitative research methods such as surveys and questionnaires are unable to capture the richness and nuances of the data produced by qualitative research methods such as focus groups, interviews, and ethnographic studies.

‍Consider the case of an organisation that is interested in producing a brand-new type of energy drink. The organisation can learn via a survey how many people consume energy drinks and which flavours are preferred by those consumers. On the other hand, this type of limited data is unable to inform the company of the reasons why individuals drink energy drinks or the feelings and behaviours that are linked with doing so. 

‍Research that focuses on qualitative methods, on the other hand, can demonstrate that individuals consume energy drinks for a variety of reasons, such as to boost their levels of energy and attention or to improve their athletic performance. It is also possible to discover the social and cultural elements, such as peer pressure or lifestyle choices, that have an effect on the intake of energy drinks.

‍‍The challenges of traditional qualitative research methods for consumer insights

Gathering qualitative data and analysing it can be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. For qualitative research methodologies to be used, researchers need to have enough to conduct interviews, moderate focus groups, observe and document consumer behaviours, and so on. In addition, they demand a thorough examination of the data acquired to detect important trends and patterns. Due to the resource-intensive nature of this approach, conducting qualitative research can be challenging for newly founded businesses or smaller businesses.

‍Even if your organisation has the resources to pay for an external consulting company to deal with the challenge of qualitative research for you, the leading market research consultancies are limited in terms of the number of people they can involve in a focus group (not naming names, but the first market research consultancy that *probably* comes to your mind is only able to offer focus groups of up to 20 people). This is because they don’t have the technology to consult mass communities efficiently… but we do!

How new technology is improving the efficiency of qualitative data collection for consumer insights

The PSi app is a voice-led web app that simplifies the process of collecting and analyzing qualitative insights across any number of people. It uses voice-led surveys to collect audio responses from consumers, making it easier for companies to capture the emotions and attitudes associated with product usage. The app then uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the audio responses, identifying key themes and patterns in the data. This analysis is presented in an easy-to-use dashboard that allows companies to quickly identify consumer insights and develop actionable strategies.

‍The PSi app has several benefits for companies looking to collect qualitative insights:

  1. It’s more efficient than traditional qualitative research methods. It reduces the burden on skilled researchers when conducting interviews or moderate focus groups, making it a more cost-effective option. 

  2. We can facilitate online discussions between literally thousands of your community members at one time, and draw a consensus from the qualitative data in minutes, providing actionable insights that you can implement into your product plans instantly.

  3. PSi provides more in-depth data than quantitative research methods with insights that have never been possible before the creation of the app. We collect audio responses, which capture the emotions and attitudes associated with product usage, providing richer and more nuanced data than a simple yes or no survey response. 

  4. PSi provides quick and easy access to consumer insights. The app's dashboard presents the data in a visually appealing and easy-to-use format, making it easier for companies to identify consumer trends and patterns.

  5. We’re able to offer PSi in two capacities, depending on your needs as an organisation. You can use PSi as a SaaS, or leave the work to us through a consultancy-based relationship, where all you have to do is tell us the question you want to ask your community and wait for your data dashboard.


Consumer insights are key to product development, and qualitative insights provide the most useful information. However, collecting and analyzing qualitative data can be challenging and time-consuming.

The PSi app simplifies this process, making it easier for companies to collect qualitative insights across any number of people.

Our voice-led surveys and machine learning algorithms provide a more efficient and in-depth approach to collecting and analyzing consumer insights. With the PSi app, companies can quickly identify consumer trends and patterns and develop products that truly meet their customers' needs.

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