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Qualtrics vs. Alchemer: Top Market Research Companies for Patient Feedback and Healthcare Services

Healthcare +1

June 21, 2024

Market research and patient feedback play a pivotal role in the healthcare sector. They can radically improve patient care and service efficiency. Qualtrics and Alchemer (previously SurveyGizmo) are two leading platforms that offer robust research tools. 

Companies use Qualtrics and Alchemer for employee feedback, pulse surveys and focus groups. Healthcare professionals should use these tools to create positive feedback loops with their service users. Patient feedback can provide them with valuable, actionable insights. 

This article aims to inspire healthcare professionals, administrators, and decision-makers. It compares the features, benefits, and applications of Qualtrics and Alchemer in healthcare. It also includes a compelling case study showcasing Qualtrics' and Alchemer's impact on patient care and service efficiency.

Like PSi and other market research companies, Qualtrics and Alchemer also offer market research panel services. Panel services allow healthcare professionals to hear from representative segments of the population. 

Qualtrics: Comprehensive Experience Management

Qualtrics is renowned for its experience management capabilities. These capabilities extend beyond traditional survey tools to include advanced analytics and real-time feedback systems. Here are some key features that make Qualtrics a strong contender for healthcare research:

Key Features

  1. Integrated Experience Management (XM) Platform: Qualtrics provides a unified platform to manage customer, employee, product, and brand experiences. This integration is crucial for healthcare providers looking to understand and improve patient and staff experiences simultaneously.

  2. Advanced Analytics and AI: The platform leverages AI and machine learning to analyse qualitative and quantitative data. Deep insights can drive actionable improvements in patient care.

  3. Real-Time Feedback: Qualtrics excels in collecting and responding to real-time feedback. This enables healthcare providers to address patient concerns immediately and improve service delivery.

  4. Security and Compliance: With certifications such as ISO 27001, FedRAMP, and HITRUST, Qualtrics handles healthcare data securely. It also complies with HIPAA regulations.

Alchemer: a Custom Solution with High Flexibility 

Alchemer  (previously SurveyGizmo) offers a flexible and user-friendly platform that empowers users of all technical skill levels. It has great options to tailor surveys and forms to specific research requirements.

Key Features

  1. Custom-build: Alchemer provides extensive options to customise your survey. It allows users to tailor surveys and forms to specific research requirements. Adapting surveys to specific needs is handy for healthcare providers needing to capture unique data sets.

  2. Integration Capabilities: The platform integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications, including CRM systems, which can streamline data collection and management processes.

  3. Ease of Use: Alchemer's intuitive interface makes it accessible for users of all technical skill levels. Healthcare staff can easily design and deploy surveys without extensive training.

A Comparison

Methodology and Approach

  • Qualtrics offers a comprehensive experience management approach that integrates multiple feedback sources and uses advanced analytics to derive insights. This approach is ideal for healthcare organisations looking to understand the full spectrum of patient and employee experiences.

  • Alchemer focuses on flexibility and tailored solutions so that healthcare providers can create highly tailored surveys and forms. This flexibility is beneficial for specific research needs requiring unique data collection.

Scope of Services

  • Qualtrics provides an all-encompassing platform that supports extensive research and feedback management. This makes it suitable for large healthcare systems with complex needs.

  • Alchemer offers highly custom-built solutions that are easy to implement and manage. Alchemer is suitable for smaller healthcare providers or specific research projects.

Cost Considerations

Cost is a significant factor that healthcare providers must consider when choosing between Qualtrics and Alchemer. Both platforms have different pricing structures that reflect their features and capabilities.


Qualtrics typically operates at a higher price point, which aligns with its advanced features and comprehensive service offerings. The platform supports large-scale operations and organisations that require in-depth analytics and integrated experience management. This platform reassures healthcare providers that they are investing in a solution that delivers value for money. It meets their complex needs.

  • Pricing Model: Qualtrics often uses a subscription-based pricing model. The cost can vary based on the number of users and the required features.

  • Value for Money: The platform's extensive capabilities include advanced analytics, real-time feedback, and robust security measures. These high-end capabilities also mean higher costs for the end user.


Alchemer is generally more cost-effective. A good price is attractive for organisations with limited budgets or those requiring flexibility.

  • Pricing Model: Alchemer offers a tiered pricing structure with different plans based on the level of functionality required. Pricing options range from basic plans suitable for small teams to more advanced ones for larger organisations.

  • Value for Money: Alchemer provides significant flexibility at a lower cost. Flexibility makes it ideal for specific research projects or smaller healthcare providers.

Case Study: Qualtrics in Healthcare

A compelling example of Qualtrics' impact in healthcare is its collaboration with Ardent Health Services. Ardent, a healthcare system with 30 hospitals and 25,000 employees, implemented Qualtrics to transform patient and employee experiences. By converging feedback systems and utilising real-time response capabilities, Ardent streamlined its HCAHPS surveys. This allowed them to gain valuable insights into patient and staff experiences.

Key Outcomes

  • Real-Time Feedback: Ardent used Qualtrics to respond instantly to patient and employee feedback. The project enabled swift improvements in care and the workplace environment.

  • Unified Platform: Integrating various feedback mechanisms into a single platform helped Ardent gain a holistic view of its service quality and operative efficiency.

  • Improved Patient Care: By constantly listening to and acting on feedback, Ardent enhanced its patient care standards. The project led to higher satisfaction rates and better health outcomes.

This case study highlights how Qualtrics' advanced features and real-time feedback capabilities can significantly improve healthcare settings. This ultimately leads to better patient care and more efficient operations. Read more case studies using Qualtrics.

A Decision Guide for Healthcare Organisations

Selecting between Qualtrics and Alchemer requires careful consideration of the specific needs, budget, and goals of your organisation. Here are the steps healthcare organisations should take to make an informed decision:

Step 1: Assess Research Needs

  • Scope of Research: Determine the complexity and scale of your research projects. Qualtrics may be more suitable for large-scale, integrated experience management. At the same time, Alchemer might be the better choice for specific, custom-built surveys.

  • Data type: Identify whether you need real-time feedback, advanced analytics, or a tailored solution.

Step 2: Evaluate Features and Capabilities

  • Qualtrics: Consider its advanced analytics, real-time feedback, and integrated platform for managing multiple experiences (patient, employee, etc.).

  • Alchemer: Focus on its tailored options, ease of use, and integration capabilities with other systems.

Step 3: Consider Cost

  • Budget: Compare the pricing models and determine which platform offers the best value for your needs and budget constraints.

  • Return on Investment: Evaluate the potential ROI. Consider how each platform can improve patient care, operative efficiency, and overall satisfaction.

Step 4: Request Demos and Trials

  • Hands-On Experience: Schedule demos and request trial access to both platforms to see firsthand how they function and whether they meet your needs.

  • User Feedback: Gather feedback from your team members who will use the platform to ensure it is user-friendly and meets their requirements.

Step 5: Contact Sales and Support

  • Support. You can always contact the sales teams for more information. If you have specific questions about features, pricing, and implementation support, don’t hesitate to use their contact pages:

  • Qualtrics Contact Us

  • Alchemer Contact Us


Qualtrics and Alchemer offer valuable tools for healthcare research, but their usefulness depends on specific organisational needs. 

Qualtrics provides a comprehensive and integrated experience management platform. Qualtrics is ideal for large healthcare systems seeking detailed analytics and real-time feedback. Flexibility is Alchemer's main strength. This makes it a cost-effective choice for specific research projects and smaller healthcare providers.

Healthcare organisations must carefully assess their research needs, budget, and desired outcomes when choosing between these platforms. By leveraging the right tools, healthcare providers can enhance patient care. They can also improve operative efficiency and ultimately deliver better health outcomes.

Like Alchemer and Qualtrics, PSi offers custom solutions for healthcare research and patient feedback. PSi uniquely combines the in-depth insights of qualitative research with the broad reach of quantitative surveys. Engage your stakeholders or use our extensive online research panel. PSi helps you run large-scale patient focus groups effectively. Our state-of-the-art AI and collective intelligence design ensure you can easily hear directly from your patients' voices.

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